注:下記は国際原子力機関が2004年に発表した「Radiation, People and the Environment」を弊社で独自に翻訳したものです。
Alpha radiation (α) is a positively charged helium nucleus emitted by a larger unstable nucleus. It is a relatively massive particle, but it only has a short range in air (1-2 cm) and can be absorbed completely by paper or skin.
Alpha radiation can, however, be hazard-oust if it enters the body by inhalation or ingestion, because large exposures can result in nearby tissues, such as the lining of the lung or stomach.
アルファ線(α)は、大きめの不安定な原子核から放出される正電荷のヘリウム原子核です。アルファ線は比較的大きな粒子ですが、空気中での到達距離は短かく(1~2 cm)、紙や肌に完全に吸収されます。但し、吸入や摂取によって体内に入ると、肺や胃の内壁など周囲の組織が広範に被曝するために有害な影響が現れる恐れがあります。
Beta radiation (s) is an electron emitted by an unstable nucleus. Beta particles are much smaller than alpha particles and can penetrate further into materials or tissue. Beta radiation can be absorbed the top layer of skin. However large exposures to high-energy beta emitters can cause skin burns. Such emitters can also be hazardous if inhaled or ingested.
Gamma radiation (y) is a very high energy photon (a form of electromagnetic radiation like light) emitted from an unstable nucleus that is often emitting a beta particle at the same time. Gamma radiation causes ionization in atoms when it passes through matter, primarily due to interactions with electrons. It can be very penetrating and only a substantial thickness of dense materials such steel or lead can provide good shielding. Gamma radiation can therefore deliver significant doses to internal organs without inhalation or ingestion.
X rays are high-energy photons, like gamma radiation, and are produced artificially by the rapid slowing down of an electron beam. X rays are similarly penetrating and, in the absence of shielding by dense materials, can deliver significant doses to internal organs.
Neutron radiation (n) is a neutron emitted by an unstable nucleus, in particular during atomic fission and nuclear fusion. Apart from a component in cosmic rays, neutrons are usually produced artificially. Because they are electrically neutral particles, neutrons can be very penetrating and when they interact with matter or tissue, they cause the emission of beta and gamma radiation. Neutron radiation therefore requires heavy shielding to reduce exposures.
Cosmic radiation comes from deep space. It is a mixture of many different types of radiation, including protons, alpha particles, electrons and other various exotic (high energy) particles. All these energetic particles interact strongly with the atmosphere and, as a result, cosmic radiation at ground level becomes primarily muons, neutrons, electrons, positrons and photons. Most of the dose at ground level comes from muons and electrons.