注:下記は国際原子力機関が2004年に発表した「Radiation, People and the Environment」を弊社で独自に翻訳したものです。
Radiation is a fact of life. We live in a world in which radiation is naturally present everywhere. Light and heat from nuclear reactions in the Sun are essential to our existence. Radioactive materials occur naturally throughout the environment, and our bodies contain radioactive material such as carbon-14,potassium-40 and polonium-210 quite naturally. AII life on Earth has evolved in the presence of this radiation.
Benefits and risks
The benefits and risks of any practice involving radiation need to be established, so that an informed judgement can be made on their use, and any risks minimized. The discovery of ionizing radiation and radioactive materials has led to dramatic advances in medical diagnosis and treatment, and they are used for a wide range of procedures in industry, agriculture, and research. Nevertheless, they can be harmful to human beings, and people must be protected from unnecessary or excessive exposures. 80 in circumstances that we can control, we need to make a careful balance between the benefits and the risks of the procedures that expose people to radiation.